Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Lit1L – the only one considered chronicles, which was lucky for researchers. It was the subject of several separate articles that are useful to consider here, on the heels Lit1L analysis without delay in the section "historiography".
Theodore Narbutt (1838)
Narbutt F. About Russian chronicle in Lithuania called Bychowiec chronicle. – Journal of the Ministry of Education, 1838, number 7, pp. 109 – 114.
As to the intrinsic value of chronicle, it may be of no value, because the circumstances there described have nothing to do with the historical materials about the events in Lithuania (p. 112).
Unfortunately, historians have not listened in the next 177 years this sober assessment, which is now on the 178th year, it is fully confirmed my analysis.
Jan Jakubowski (1912)
Jakubowski J. narodowościowemi na Litwie przez unią Lubelską. – Warszawa: E.Wende, 1912. – 4, 104 s.
Despite the very small volume, Jakubowski article contains a lot of correct positions, which would have to be guided by the following researchers.
Teoctist Sushicki (1919)
Sushicki T. Western-Russian chronicles as a literary monuments. – Kyiv: 1930. – 404 p.
What T. S. said of the Lit1L faithful – is quite a bit of new, and the new – just a little true.
Nikolai Ulashchik (1966)
Bychowiec chronicle. – M.: Nauka, 1966. – 154 p.
The book contains Russian translation Lit1L with a foreword and commentary N. Ulashchik. This is – first commented edition of the chronicle from the number of subjects.
Boris Floria (1967)
Floria B. N. About the "Bychowiec chronicle". – "", Moscow, 1967, p. 135 – 144.
Observation of B. F. about Goštautai role in FEL can be taken, and all the rest should be discarded.
Vyacheslav Chemeritsky (1969)
Chemeritsky V. A. Belarus chronicles as literary monuments. – Minsk: 1969. – 190 p.
In general, this section of the book Chemeritsky deserves quite commendable. Main provisions made him for Lit1L one can take now.
Rimantas Jasas (1971)
Lithuanian historian (1929 – 2002) published in 1971 in Vilnius his translation Lit1L into the Lithuanian language, with comments [Lietuvos metraštis: Bychovco kronika. – Vilnius, 1971].
Mieczysław Juchas (1974)
Juchas M. A. Bychowiec chronicle. – "Annals and chronicles. 1973", Moscow, 1974, p. 220 – 231.
The most interesting assumption M. Juchas – a "chronicle of Jan Goštautai", which, however, has nothing to do with the chronicle Goštautai introducted by B. Floria. Thus, in these arguments a lot of subjective, and research should continue.
Other research
Many other works does not present in the public domain on the Web. Therefore, their analysis and evaluation, I leave to future generations of researchers.
In general we can say that the work of many generations of researchers Lit1L still not over, in particular, not all were convinced of what Theodore Narbutt was convinced immediately – that Lit1L cannot be any historical source. Here we clearly see that no one is able to grasp the immensity (except – retired theoretical physicists).