Conversation Pole with Lithuanian (1564)
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
The work, entitled «Rozmowa Polaka z Litwinem» was once printed as a separate booklet, but was found only one instance of it, reprinted by J. Korzeniowski [, 1564 / Korzeniowski Józef. – Kraków: 1890 – 91 s].
Researchers believe that the author of "Talk" was (1520 – 1582) – Vilna elder, and it was published in 1564.
For our topic are interest historical arguments, which operate in a conversation a Pole and a Lithuanian.
Further Lithuanian tells us most interesting: "Our old chronicles, written in Russian, indicate that P. Libo, whose mistake letters called Palemon, escaped from the cruelty of Nero, and from him place of our rulers" (p. 67). There is obvious source – "Fabulous emergence of Lithuania."
All that the "Conversation" goes beyond the known FEL, should be considered the author’s own creativity.
It can be assumed that as a "Conversation" and Lit1L emerged both as answers (in various forms) a call by the Poles.
Product trend – the glorification of the Radziwill family.