Analysis of news 1310 – 1427 years
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
We have brought to the table all news Bil0L for 1310 – 1427 years. What it gives us to determine Bil0L sources?
First of all, it should be noted that our large table clearly divided vertically into two groups, we have abbreviated call MTG and the SNG (MTG – "Moscow-Tver group of chronicles" to refer to the TL – SimL – RogL; SNG – "Sophia-Novgorod group of chronicles" to refer to S1LSI – NKL – N4L) and horizontally – into three bands, the first of which covers the news of 1 – 125 (6818/1310 – 6893/1385 years), the second – news 126 – 190 (6893/1385 – 6918 / 1410), third – news 191 – 239 (6918/1410 – 6935/1427 year).
These three bands correspond to the three sources of Bil0L. It is very well seen from the following summary table (compiling them, the first thing I looked at the fact of the presence of record in the annals, and only secondarily – on the text design of record).
The first source (1310 – 1385)
The most striking borrowing from SimL are episode 1 (1310, Metropolitan Peter in Bryansk), 4 (1316 Novgorodians in Torzhok), 8 (1318 plague in Tver). Thus, there is no doubt that the scribe Bil0L used SimL.
The most striking borrowing from RogL are episode 13 (1325, Church of St. Theodore in Tver), 16 (1326, prince Alexander the great reign), 38 (1341, prince Konstantin of Suzdal), 45 (1347, scandalous marriage prince Semen Ivanovich), 55 (1352 revolt in Constantinople). Thus, there is no doubt that the scribe Bil0L used RogL.
Oddly, none of the researchers did not see traces Rogozhsky chronicler in Bil0L – all repeated one after the other, the source said messages is unknown. I had to work as Shakhmatov (but not getting his academic salary!).
The second source (1385 – 1410)
Radically different situation we find in the second group. Here, 56 entries of 65, or 86%, we can explain by the use of only one source – Sophia 1st chronicle older recension.
The third source (1410 – 1427)
In the third group, we see the continued use of S1LSI until its end (borrowing to Bil0L stop at 1418 – end year S1LSI, later in Bil0L are extremely unique news). But from this source is taken only 32% of the messages; the rest – are unique news Bil0L, which obviously centered around Metropolitan Photios.
Therefore, we can safely assume that the author of this part Bil0L (and probably also the editor-compiler of all Bil0L to 1427) was a scribe Metropolitan Photios (SMF). The Bil0L in part to 1427 can be called "Epitome of Metropolitan Photius" (EMF), which we discuss in more detail in final section.