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Summary table of patriarchs

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

The summary table of patriarchs (38 – 1656) contains 247 records. It uses the following potential sources of VS:

LL – List of Constantinople patriarchs, compiled (1541 – 1594) (Series episcoporum Byzancii. – In: . – Francofurti: 1596, vol. 1, p. 296 – 304).

TF – Mention of the appointment of the Patriarch of Constantinople in the chronological table compiled by (1565 – 1614) (. – Francofurti: 1596, vol. 1, unnumbered pages at the beginning of the volume). Arab numbers after the names denote, in my opinion, the numbers in the sequence of the patriarchs; the numbers in parentheses are the years of the beginning of the rule.

TG – List of Constantinople patriarchs, compiled by Manuel Malaxus in 1577 (. – Basel: 1584, p. 105 – 212).

PalKopystensky Z. Palinodia. – Monuments of polemic literature in western Russia. – St. Petersburg: 1878, t. 1, stb. 313 – 1200. (Russian Historical Library, v. 4).

PDPseudo-Dorofey The book of history (Βιβλίον ιστορικόν περιέχον εν συνόψει διαφόρους και εξόχους ιστορίας: Αρχόμενον από κτίσεως Κόσμου μέχρι της αλώσεως Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, και επέκεινα / Συλλεχθέν μεν εκ διαφόρων ακριβών ιστοριών και εις την κοινήν γλώσσαν μεταγλωτισθέν παρά του ιερωτάτου μητροπολίτου Μονεμβασίας Κυρίου Δωροθέου. Νεωστί δε τυπωθέν περιέχον και πίνακα πλουσιώτατον πάντων των αξιομνημονεύτων πραγμάτων. Ενετίησιν: Παρ "Ιωάννη Αντωνίω τω Ιουλιανώ, αχλα" [Venice: 1631 List of patriarchs – on with. ρο (170) – ροε (175). I express my sincere gratitude to Vera Chentsova, who gave me this rare edition and filed a number of observations on this section, which I tried to take into account]).

VS – The Vvedensky Synod.

SofS – Sophia Synodikon (Pomennik Sophia of Kiev / A. Prokopyuk – K.: 2004, p. 33 [I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Ms. Oksana for giving me this valuable publication]).