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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Sections 601 – 650

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

601. The genus of Monk Prokhor (p. 68)

602. The genus of Monk Mardarius (p. 68)

603. From Pinsk (p. 68)

604. From the Jordanian (p. 68)

605. From the monastery of Sumy (p. 68)

606. The Philistine Pechersk (p. 68)

607. Hieromonk Dositheus (p. 68)

608. From Moscow (p. 68)

609. From Stryj (p. 68)

610. From Smolnitsa (p. 68)

611. From Orsha (p. 68)

612. Nicodim from the Verkhovka (p. 68)

613. [Recording] the monks Avksentii (p. 68)

614. Yuri (p. 68)

615. From Chernigov (p. 68)

616. Nun Makrina… (page 68)

617. From Flor (p. 68)

618. From Turov (p. 68)

619. From the new monastery (p. 68)

620. From Moscow, from Dalgaylov (p. 68)