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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Simeon chronicle (1199 – 1278)

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Simeon chronicle (SymL) [PSRL, 2007, vol. 18] reached us in a single copy of the 1540s. This is an annals of a rather complex composition. In the description of events up to 1411, it is independent, so I prefer to call this part the Simeon 1st chronicle; in the description of the events of 1412-1493, SimL presents a text very close to the Moscow codex of 1492 (MZ1492 [PSRL, 1949, vol. 25]), and is actually one of the important copied of the latter (I prefer to call this part the Simeon 2nd chronicle, Sim2L).

The text of MZ1492 is also used in some places of Sim1L to fill in lacunae. These are records for the years 6743 – 6745, 6747 – 6757, 6869 – 6872, 6909 – 6916 [Lurie Ya. S. . – Dictionary of scribes and literature of ancient Rus. – Leningrad: Nauka, 1989, part 2, p. 35].