List of abbreviations
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
GVL – Galicia-Volyn chronicle, the last part of the Hypatian chronicle.
GVLT – . – K.: Akademperiodika, 2020. – 929 p., edited by O. P. Tolochko.
EL – Ermolin’s chronicle [PSRL, 1910, vol. 23].
IpatL – Hypatian chronicle [PSRL, vol. 2; there are several editions, including one].
LA – "Avraamka" chronicle [PSRL, 1889, vol. 16; 2018, vol. 44].
LL – Laurentian chronicle [PSRL, vol. 1; there are several editions, including one].
LPS – Chronicler of Pereyaslavl-Suzdal [PSRL, 1995, vol. 41].
MAL – Moscow academic chronicle [PSRL, 1928, vol. 1, part 3, col. 524 – 540].
MZ1492 – Moscow codex of 1492 [PSRL, 1949, vol. 25].
N1LSI – Novgorod 1st Chronicle [Novgorod first chronicle of the oldest and youngest recension / A. N. Nasonov. – M.-L., 1950].
NikL – Nikon’s chronicle [PSRL, 1862-1904, vol. 9 – 13].
NKL – Novgorod Karamzin’s chronicle [PSRL, 2002, vol. 42].
PSRL – Polnoe sobranie russikh letopisej (Complete collection of Russian chronicles). For each volume, I indicate the first edition (it is the most accessible on the Internet). In the last 20 years, reprints have been published that contain new prefaces, but the text of the monuments is everywhere scanned, without new processing of the manuscripts.
RadzL – Radziwiłł chronicle [PSRL, 1989, vol. 38].
RogL – Rogozhsky chronicler [PSRL, 2000, vol. 15]
S1LSI – Sofia 1st chronicle older recension [PSRL, 2000, vol. 6, no. 1].
SimL – Simeon chronicle [PSRL, 1913, vol. 18].
TL – Trinity chronicle [Pryselkov M. D. . Reconstruction of the text. – Moscow: 1950].