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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Synodikons, especially their current parts, is the primary source for the study of the name-bearing, or, scientifically, anthroponomy.

Of course, I’m not a philologist at all, and my observations on the PS and VS names are just the beginning of research. For example, the Pechersky synodikon, in terms of the social structure of the name-bearing word, shows the following picture:

Crossing the male names of different…

Crossing the male names of different classes

Crossing the female names of different…

Crossing the female names of different classes

(Here н – untitled names, нк – untitled or princely, к – princely, кч – princely or monastic, ч – monastic, чн – monastic or untitled names.)

We see from these diagrams that monastic names, both male and female, quite definitely differ from the names of secular persons. It is possible to note the almost complete disappearance of monopoly-princely names – the princes name set dissolved in the general name set of non-titled secular persons.