Set of names
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
In contrast to the genealogy a set of names (and partially – the associations names with the cities) leads to some thoughts about the sources used by the author.
Roman names
Greek names
Toponymic names
Distributed Lithuanian name
Unique Lithuanian name
Fictional names
Rus’ names
We see that a significant part of the Russian author names FEL could borrow from the Galician-Volhynian chronicle.
In general, techniques for working FEL author with names identical one of contemporaty fiction writers, at least the same Ivan Franko. For example, in the story "" we see common names Zakhar, Maxim; name Miroslava perhaps created by Franko, but now has become widespread; surname Golden Eagle also have in itself nothing impossible, as well as Wolf. Name Tugar seems found only in this story, but there are epic and a fairly common surname . Finally, Mongol Burunda in the story is formed from a historical , but the writer has taken from history only a name, dropping all the associated real facts, and come up with new details to him.