Analysis variants "Lithuanian" chronicle
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version
Dependence of copies
Our observations can be summarized as the following stemma:
Stemma "Tale of Vytautas" on the copies of
"Lithuania" chronicle
The main text TOV is undergoing in the "Lithuanian" chronicles distortion; additions are of negligible source value, all of the specific facts taken from known sources, and all that exceeds the borrowing should be considered as fictions.
Thus, it remains in force our recommendation – use in historical research Vit1L text.
Please be aware that there is a copy of TOV in the later Novgorod Chronicle Dubrovsky (1539) [PSRL, 2004, Vol. 43, p. 265 – 269]. But we shall defer its consideration to the section "Impact on neighbors".