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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Names of laymen

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Consider first selectively the names of the laymen are 1,273 male (53%) and 1137 female (47%), totaling 2,410 names (this makes 17% of the total number of names of the current part). Names that are not similar to the calendar Christian, highlighted in the tables bold.

Untitled male names, sorted alphabetically

There are 161 names in all, 1273 persons.

Untitled female names, sorted alphabetically

A total of 97 names, 1137 person.

Untitled male names, sorted by number of occurrences

A heavy horizontal line in the table indicates median: 14 of the most commonly used names (8.7%) collected more than 53% of entries, and the remaining 47% accounted for 147 fewer used names.

From the 16 names that were most popular in the PS, 11 names remained in VS; 5 names, popular in the PS, went into the category of less used, but 3 names joined the most popular group in VS. We can talk about the slow, evolutionary changes in the popularity of male names.

Untitled women names sorted by the number of occurrences

A heavy horizontal line in the table indicates median: 7 most used names (7.2%) collected 53% of entries, and the remaining 47% accounted for 90 fewer used names.

From the 9 female names, the most popular in the PS, only 5 remained in this group in VS, and 2 more names were added to it. I think that one can repeat what has been said about men’s names: there are gradual, smooth changes in the popularity of various names. I will also note that if in the PS we only met once Ljubov, then there are already 6 of them in VS, they were joined by 4 Vira and 2 Nadija. It seems that these Ukrainian names gradually acquired a place among the normative Christian names.