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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Text by Dimitry Tuptalo

Nicholas Zharkikh

Dimitry is the author of the Menaion for reading

Analysis of the text by Dimitry

The idea of the text by Dimitry

Observations show that Dimitry actually used the Macarius’ Great Menaion for reading (S-7) and the Tver Chronicle, which he called the Pechersk Chronicle after the place where the book was kept (not according to its contents). He himself mentioned these sources at the beginning of the work. To these must be added the not explicitly mentioned "Synopsis".

Structurally, the Dimitry’s text is a variant of the text of Pachomius Serb, but the text of S-7 in the hands of Dimitri has undergone significant changes, almost every episode has been reworked, somewhat shortened, somewhat supplemented. Significant historical additions have been made, and a number of minor episodes have been omitted.

The result of reading Dimitry’s text should have been the impression: one king – one state – one church. And all this is Russian, which has existed since ancient times. If this is considered to be the leading idea of the whole Dimitry’s text, it was attached to the Tale of Michael and Fedor mechanically and inappropriately.

Studies on the text by Dimitry

D. I. Abramovich (1873 – 1955) in his article "Chronicle sources of Menaion for reading by Dimitry Rostovsky" [, K., 1929, p. 32 – 61] devoted the last, 6th paragraph to our text [p. 57 – 61].

Reworks of the text by Dimitry

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.