Vinnycja region
Neither Vasyl Stus nor Paul Pestel…
There were in the list in 2001 – 23 places.
Excluded from the list – 3 places.
Added to the list – 9 places.
Reported in the list in 2009 – 29 places.
Updating percentage = 52 %
These sites collected 34 penalty points, an average of 1.17 penalty points for a site.
Detailed item-by-item analysis available in ukrainian version.
With some caution we can say that a register of Vinnytsia region improved in comparison with 2001. But…
Of course, we does not see in this area Vasyl Stus – because he was a Ukrainian, and also a nationalist; and not see Paul Pestel with his Southern society – because he was Russian, and even revolutionary; and not see Bohdan Khmelnytsky and his brilliant victory at Batoh – because he was Ukrainian; and not see Alexander Suvorov with his miracle-warriors – because he was Russian. And none of them was not a pig, so our pigs don't care memory of them…