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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Arheometrica 2.7: features overview

Nicholas Zharkikh

Universal object database "Arheometrica" version 2.7 is implemented through a system of programming Delphi 4.5 (programming language – Object Pascal). This version runs on Win32 (development and debugging were performed on Windows 95). It continues the development of ideas embodied in earlier versions of "Arheometrica" [1] and implements the theoretical model of object database, developed by us earlier [2].

Storage environment

Hierarchical multidocument interface

Data types

Text types

File types

Logic types

Numeric types

Types of dates

Cluster types

Editor of sequential set

Editor of structured set


1. Zharkikh M.I., Kabakov Y.B. Universal object database "Arheometrica". – Arсheometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage, 1998, v. 2, p. 42 – 52.

2. Zharkikh M.I., Kabakov Y.B. Theoretical model of object database. – Arсheometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage, 1999, v. 3, p. 57 – 69.

3. Kabakov Y.B. . – Arсheometry and protection of historical and cultural heritage, 1997, v. 1, p. 50 – 58.

Aug 30, 1999

Article remained unfinished. Full text in ukrainian language.