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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Names in the current part

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Distribution of the names in the…

Distribution of the names in the current part of VS by regions

Against the backdrop of the then political boundaries, the distribution of references to geographical names looks like this:

Map of the distribution of names in…

Map of the distribution of names in the current part of VS
by historical regions

[The basis of the map with political boundaries as of 1657 was provided to me by Dmitry Vortman, for which I express my sincere gratitude.]

The main surprise of the distribution of names in the current part of VS is its unionist nature: 919 out of 1115 mentions refer to the territory of modern Ukraine, or 82%! The territories that in the previous periods traditionally gave a high contribution – Russia, modern Belarus and Lithuania – at that time show much less interest in Kiev, at the same time we observe a strong growth of mentions from the left-bank Hetmanate and Rus voivodeship. Smaller, but also quite clear impact gave Slobozhanshchina, which during this period has just begun to be populated, Kholmschina with Podlyashia, as well as the Podolsky voivodeship (the last is practically not represented in previous periods).

By grouping names by regions of modern Ukraine, we get the following map scheme:

Map of the distribution of names in…

Map of the distribution of names in the current part of VS by the regions of Ukraine

[The basis of the map – from the site .]

We can assume that in the Vvedensky synodikon a certain stage of the formation of a modern Ukrainian nation centered in Kiev is fixed.