Family circle
Nicholas Zharkikh
Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.
In 1223, in the battle of Kalka, the last representative of the older generation of the Olgovychs died, and the Chernihiv principality came under the rule of representatives of the next generation (the 11th, counting from Rurik). In it, we know only two princes – Michael Vsevolodovich (more) and Mstislav Glibovich (very little). The decrease in the number of the genus threatened its extinction, which happened already in the next (12th) generation.
For greater visibility of Michael’s family ties, I present the following genealogical diagram:
Michael Vsevolodovych had no family ties with the Smolensk Rostislavichs, although he often acted together with them in politics. He also had family ties with the Volyn Romanovychs, but was constantly at odds with them in politics.