Annual report 2014
Statistical data in the report presented on the basis of web server and CMS Smereka statistics. Usage of Google analytics data noted separately.
Site volume
Nodes | 1404 |
Attributes | 12558 |
Data size | 12.66 Mb |
Files | 503 |
Files size | 117.80 Mb |
Digital sheets | 383.96 |
[The number of digital sheets] = [number of nodes] / 1000 + [number of attributes] / 10000 + [Total volume of all attributes in bytes] / 40000 + [Total volume of files in MB] / 2.5
Dynamics of attendance by years
Dynamics of attendance in the 2014 year
There are total 174 333 visitors during year
The most successful month of the 2014 year – November
Distribution of visitors by countries
1. | Ukraine | 78.89% |
2. | Russia | 4.52% |
3. | Brazil | 2.83% |
4. | (not set) | 2.50% |
5. | Bangladesh | 1.74% |
According to Google analytics
10 most requested documents
Number of downlads – for all time of site work
10 most requested search expression
грановитая палата московского кремля | 222 |
карта евразии | 149 |
кутафья башня кремля | 129 |
архангельский собор московского кремля | 113 |
троицкая башня московского кремля | 106 |
что такое смерека | 105 |
церковь вознесения в коломенском | 92 |
спасский собор андроникова монастыря | 88 |
надгробие Хрущева | 86 |
смерека фото дерева | 83 |
For all 2014