Text of the list
Nicholas Zharkikh
In order to evaluate historical sources, it is necessary first of all to study the text. Therefore, I am not going to invent anything new, and following R. V. Zotov, split LPLS text as headings, which will go after various considerations. I note that the breakdown of the list for the article does not coincide with a breakdown R. Zotov nor L. Voitovich.
The findings used the following notation:
- Digit (1) and green background – marked person, the identification of which is not in doubt.
- Digit (2) and yellow background – marked person, the identification of which is possible thanks to a simple, plausible assumption.
- Digit (3) and red background – marked person, the identification of which requires complex, improbable assumptions.
- Digit (4) and orange background – marked person, known only from the LPLS.
This is an abstract of section. Full text available in ukrainian / russian version.