Oscillations of ion adsorption and low-frequency dispersion of dielectric permittivity of a suspension
Zharkikh N. I., Razilov I. A., Dukhin S. S.
The influence of oscillations in the magnitude of counterion adsorption in the double layer of a particle on the dependence of dielectric permittivity of a suspension on the frequency of the external electrical field was studied. For the case of two types of counterions with different diffusion coefficients, these oscillations were shown to increase permittivity in the low-frequency range and decrease in the high-frequency range (as compared with the case when such oscillations do not take place). The presence of oscillations in the magnitudes of adsorption also results in the reduction of the characteristic frequency of a dispersion.
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Biocolloid chemistry institite, National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Received 28 Jun 1995
Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1996, vol. 58, № 2, p. 193 – 198.
Full text in russian and english languages.