Additional surface conductance of the thin porous surface layer of a colloidal particle
Zharkikh N. I., Pendze X., Dukhin S. S.
Additional surface conductance is the excess of total surface conductance over the conductivity of a diffuse electrical layer. The theoretical calculation of this value is based on a concept of the porous surface layer of a colloidal particle. The charge of the porous layer is described by the Stern-Langmuir isotherm. Specific calculations have been performed for the special case of a thin porous layer when the dependence of the potential on the layer thickness can be neglected. When the layer is strongly charged, the additional surface conductance is low compared to the surface conductance of a diffuse layer, but when the layer charge is small, the additional surface conductance predominates. The effect of low-frequency dispersion of the dielectric constant must be used for the measurements of the low values of surface conductance.
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Biocolloid chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Received 14 Mar 1994
Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1994, vol. 56, № 5, p. 643 – 648.
Full text in russian and english languages.