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Ionophoresis of the weakly charged nonconducting sphere

Denisov G. A., Zharkikh N. I.

The problem of diffusiophoresis of the weakly charged colloidal dielectric chastish spherical shape in a multicomponent electrolyte solution with an arbitrary ratio of particle size and thickness of the electrical double layer solved. The velocity of a particle is represented as a series in positive integer powers of the zeta-potential; explicitly calculated terms up to the square of the zeta potential inclusive.

The results obtained can be used in modeling the processes of membrane transport, electrophoresis, chromatographic separation of proteins.


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Research Computing Center of the Scientific Center of Biological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 18 Aug 1988

Published as preprint of the Scientific Center of Biological Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, 1988. – 16 p.

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