Influence of the inhomogeneity of a disperse system on the low-frequency limit of its electrical conductivity
Zharkikh N. I.
The influence of spatial inhomogeneity of the volume fraction and of the surface conduction of particles on the electrical conductivity of a concentrated suspension of spherical particles has been studied. This influence, which hinders exact determination of surface conduction, is minimum in the vicinity of the isoconductivity point of the disperse system.
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2. Борковская Ю. Б., Жарких Н. И., Дудкина Л. М. // Коллоид. журн. 1982. Т. 44. № 4. С. 645.
Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Received 20 Mar 1989
Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1990, vol. 52, № 6, p. 967 – 970.
Full text in russian language.