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Mykola Zharkikh (Kyiv)

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Tatar ruins

Nicholas Zharkikh

Shortened text of the section. Full text in ukrainian version.

Pushkinists and Lermontoids are continuously firing artillery at Severodonetsk. 2,000 shells per hour, 45,000 shells per day – all to destroy a Ukrainian city with a thoroughly pro-Russian population. Recently, russians obtain a new pastime – to destroy the equally pro-Russian Lysychansk, regardless of losses and expenses.

Everything is clear with the expenses – the money for the production of ammunition has already been spent, and it is impossible to return it, even though you can enjoy the salute. And no one ever worried about the loss of rotting straw cattle.

And so, with a rocket costing 13 million dollars, the anti-Dührings hit the playground, leaving a considerable gap. Well, I was not at that site, so I continue (July 1, 2022 at 8:20 am).

Kyiv throne on the eve of the arrival of the Tatars

Mythical "Chernihiv partial principalities"

Destruction of prince Mstislav Glibovych

Destruction of the siege of Kyiv by the Tatars

Literary defense of Kozelsk

Michael Vsevolodovych’s mythical "granddaughter"