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Experimental-theoretical problems of piezodialysis

Zharkikh N.I., Shilov V.N.,
Dukhin S.S., Borkowskaya Y.B.

Further improvement in many areas of water technology (desalination, brackish water processing, concentration of industrial effluents and mine water, trapping salts of precious metals) associated with the development and improvement of membrane processes. Their most fundamental advantage in comparison, for example, desalination by distillation method in that they require much less energy. Such processes as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis already found widespread industrial application. The aim of this work is a theoretical consideration of the possibilities of a new, relatively poorly known membrane process – piezodialysis (PD).


Piezodialysis – the separation process with charged membranes, using the phenomenon of current flow. During the application of pressure to the membrane of a current flow, which transfers the ions from the high-pressure chamber (dilution) in the low-pressure chamber (concentration).

On the basis of the phenomenological theory of PD identified parameters of membranes, the most important for the successful implementation of the process: the concentration of the outgoing membrane solution (preferably not less than 1 mol / L), conversion factor (preferably not less than 0,8), the hydrodynamic permeability (preferably more than 10-6 cm / (sec atm)). The formulas derived on which we can determine the physical and technical characteristics of PD.

Briefly discussed the results of the study of mosaic membranes for PD. Indicated that synthesis of the mosaic membrane with an optimal subset of features – a very difficult experimental problem, the existing theoretical models of PD for mosaics operate poorly because of the complexity of their geometric structure.

In this connection it seems necessary to examine more closely the possibility of a batch version of PD, and especially to evaluate the properties of the available ion-exchange membranes on the proposed method. These estimations of some membranes with available literature data provide encouraging results.

It is therefore useful to carry out comprehensive measurements of the transport coefficients of membranes, which would give a more reliable basis for evaluation than the use of fragmentary published data.

The basic requirements for the design and mode of piezodialysis operation: dilution camera should be sufficiently thin in accordance with the requirement (56). The pressure at which the process proceeds, should be sufficient to satisfy the condition (55).


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Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 27.11.1979.

Published : "Физика молекул" (Molecular physics), Kyiv, 1980, vol. 9, pp. 89 – 110.

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