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Theory of the collective electrophoresis of spherical particles in the Henry's approximation

Zharkikh N. I., Shilov V. N.

Within the framework of Henry's approximation (a small surface potential and an arbitrary thickness of the double layer) the electrophoretic mobilities of the collective of spheres have been calculated for the cases of a constant charge and a constant potential. It has been shown that in those cases the mobilities are substantially different, if the bulk portion of dispersion is finite and the double layers of adjacent particles are markedly overlapped. Calculations have been carried out on the basis of a cell model taking into account the hydrodynamic and the electrical interaction of spheres.


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Colloid and water chemistry institite, Academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Received 15.07.1980.

Published : Colloid Journal (Moscow), 1981, v. 43, № 6, p. 1061 – 1067.

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